Diversity, Equity, & Inclusion Committee 6/26/24

Show Details

6/26/2024 12:00:00 AM


1. Call to Order, Roll Call 00:00:03

3. Approval of Minutes 00:00:25

4a. Recap of World Day for Cultural Diversity for Development and Dialogue. Discussion on highlighted successful engagement and suggested areas for improvement. Discussion and action on recommending to the Village board establishing it as a standing village event 00:01:01

4b. Discussion on the DEI committee's deliberation on fostering community visibility during the Pride and Juneteenth events as part of their broader goal of promoting community visibility 00:09:33

4c. Review of Code 2-461 concerning the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee's responsibilities, including serving as a resource, recommending goals, and advising the Village Board on initiatives aimed at promoting diversity, equity, and inclusion, followed by discussions on its execution 00:25:21

4e. DEI Strategist update providing the necessity of maintaining transparency and communication with the committee and the public regarding the establishment of key focus areas 00:49:06

4d. Board/Committee Updates allow trustees and committee members to propose and update on items for discussion or involvement by the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee 01:02:18

4f. Discussion and action on changing the DEI committee's SMART goal from Event Development to Education and Awareness Development, aiming to align with the code and deliver specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-based results across various facets of the Village Government, Staff, and the Community 01:17:09

4g. Discussion on items to discuss during the Joint Village Board and DEI committee meeting 01:21:06

6. Adjournment 01:28:31

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