School Board 3/4/24

Show Details

3/4/2024 12:00:00 AM


1. Call to Order 00:00:03

2. Consent Agenda Items 00:00:15

4. Public Comments 00:01:09

5. McFarland High School Student Report 00:01:20

6a. Eco Club Update 00:09:58

6b. Update from CESA 2 Board of Control (Mooney) 00:18:23

7. District Administrator's Report 00:23:23

8a. Action on First Reading of Policies Below 00:43:27

Action on First Reading of Policies 4430.01 - Family and Medical Leave of Absence; 4430.0 - Nursing Mothers; 5200 -Attendance; 5350 - Suicide Prevention, Intervention, and Postvention / Replacing Death by Suicide; 5451.03 - Academic Honesty; 5505 Academic Honesty; 5517 - Student Anti-Harassment; 5530 Student Use or Possession of Intoxicants, Drugs, or Paraphernalia; - 6151 - Returned/Outstanding-Stale Checks; 6236 - Community Services Fund; 6610 - Nondistrict-Supported Student Activity Accounts; 6611 - District Sponsored/Supported Activity Accounts; 7250.01 - Memorials for Staff and Students; 7440.02 - Smart Monitoring Equipment; 7540.08 - Artificial Intelligence (AI); 8121 - Personal Background Check-Contracted Services; 8146 - Notification of Educational Options; 8310 - Public Records; 8420.01 - School Safety; 8500 - Food Services; 8700 - Nursing Mothers

8b. Action on 2023-24 Budget Changes 01:05:27

8c. Action on Recommended WIVA/DCA/ISWI WI Stat. 118.40(8)(g) Student Transfers to Resident Districts 01:06:15

9. Adjournment 01:07:46

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