Village Board 6/13/23

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6/13/2023 9:50:01 AM


1. CALL TO ORDER. 00:00:05

2. ROLL CALL 00:00:13


4. CONSENT AGENDA 00:01:48


6. BUSINESS 00:04:10

Consent Agenda item: 4a7 00:04:13

a. Discussion and action on Resolution 2023-11: a Resolution recognizing Juneteenth in the Village of McFarland. 00:08:00

b. Discussion and action on Resolution 2023-12: A Resolution recognizing June as LGBTQI+ Pride Month. 00:11:30

c. Discussion and action regarding the Public Input Plan as part of the Communications and Engagement Plan being prepared by Revelation: PR, Advertising, and Social Media. 00:14:59

d. Discussion and action on selecting the one floor option or the two floor option for the Municipal Center renovation as presented within the McFarland Municipal Center Campus Master Plan project. 00:31:08

e. Landmarks Commission (Trustee Fessler) - 1) Discussion and possible action to approve a purchase order from Sewah Studios for historical marker signs. 01:30:41

f. Parks and Recreation Committee (Trustees Jerke & Fessler) 1) Discussion and action regarding a proposal to develop an Inclusive Playground at Waubesa Intermediate School with the McFarland School District. 2) Discussion and action regarding a change order to construct Phase 1(b) for the Inclusive Playground at Waubesa Intermediate School with the McFarland School District. 3) Discussion and action regarding a proposal for plan, design and bidding services for Phase 2 for the Inclusive Playground at Waubesa Intermediate School with the McFarland School District. 01:39:07

g. Discussion and action on submitting a letter of support for the Village of McFarland to be included in the local negotiated agreement (LNA) process regarding Dane County's Future Sustainability Campus and Landfill. 01:52:23

h. Discussion on the revised Village Board schedule for 2023-2024. 01:59:36

7. SCHEDULE NEXT MEETING DATE. - a. June 15, 2023 - Special Village Board - 5:30 p.m. - b. June 27, 2023 - Village Board - 7:00 p.m. - c. July 11, 2023 - Village Board - 7:00 p.m. - d. July 13, 2023 - Special Village Board - 5:30 pm 02:04:12

8. ADJOURNMENT 02:04:29

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