School Board 2/6/23

Show Details

2/6/2023 12:00:00 AM


1. Call to Order 00:00:00

2. Closed Session 00:00:13

3. Consent Agenda Items 00:01:13

5. Public Comments 00:02:17

6. McFarland High School Student Report 00:04:47

7. Information Items 00:09:22

7a. Natural Circles of Support Community Impact Grant Update 00:09:22

7b. Joint Village Board/School Board Planning Committee Update 01:01:00

7c. WASB State Education Conference Update 01:09:04

7d. NE WI Kintect Hub 01:15:22

7e. Shoutout to Those Responsible for Keeping our District Sidewalks Safe for Pedestrians During the Winter 01:23:35

7f. Impact as a Result of Retirements 01:26:14

8. District Administrator's Report 01:30:47

9. Business Manager's Report 01:40:12

10. Action Items 01:56:59

10a. Action on Approval of 2022-23 McFarland School District Calendar Adjustment Plan if Necessary Due to Cancellation 01:56:59

10b. Action on First Reading of Policies 2260.02 - Services for Bilingual Students - English Learners; 2414 - Human Growth and Development; 2460.03 - Independent Educational Evaluation -IEE; 3120.04 - Employment of Substitutes; 3425 - Benefits; 4425 - Benefits; 5113 - Open Enrollment Program Inter-District; 5517.01 - Bullying; 7440.01 - Video Surveillance and Electronic Monitoring; 8740 - Protection of District Funds. 3217 - Weapons; 4217 - Weapons; 5111 - Eligibility of Resident-Nonresident Students; 7217 - Weapons; 7440.03 - Small Unmanned Aircraft Systems. 02:02:10

10c. Action on MHS Early Graduation Request 02:32:57

10d. Action on Recommended WIVA/DCA/ISWI WI Stat. 118.40(8)(g) Student Transfer to Resident Districts 02:33:36

11. Adjournment 02:35:20

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