Special Village Board 11/4/21

Show Details

11/4/2021 12:00:00 AM


1. Call to Order 00:00:00

2. Roll Call 00:00:14

3. Public Appearances 00:01:11

4a. Discussion Regarding Inclusion Within the State Expenditure Restraint Program 00:01:29

4b. Discussion & Action Regarding Proposed Changes to the 2022 Budget Presented by the Village Board Members 00:08:39

4bi1. Add Funding Within the Village Board Budget to Create a Community Grant Program 00:10:24

4bi2. Add Funding Within the Village Administrator Budget for Community Art Projects 00:37:26

4bi3. Reduce Funding within the Community Development Department Budget Through a Wage and Benefit Allocation Shift from the General Fund to the Tax Increment Districts 00:40:03

4bi4. Reduce Funding within the Public Works Department Budget Regarding Request for Uniforms 00:42:21

4bi5. Remove funding within the Senior Outreach Department budget for the proposed position transfer from part-time to full-time employment 00:46:12

4bi6. Increase funding within the Parks budget to include two additional Parks LTE positions 01:05:04

4bi7. Reduce funding within the Parks budget regarding facility maintenance, meeting expenses, training expenses, and community groups 01:29:36

4bi8. Increase funding within the budget for a higher Across the Board wage increase 01:37:16

4bii1. Reduce funding within the Library budget regarding allocation linked with landscaping services 01:56:53

4bii2. Reduce funding within the Library budget regarding allocation linked to technology 02:12:48

4biii. Reduce funding within the Tax Increment District #3 budget for the redevelopment incentive 02:32:29

4biv. Increase funding within Tax Increment District #4 budget for property acquisitions 02:55:14

4b4v. Increasing funding within Parks capital budget for consulting services to update management plans within Conservancy Parks 02:57:38

4bvi. Increase funding within the Sanitary Sewer Service budget for community outreach 03:12:46

4bvii1. Creation of new fund for Affordable Housing 03:16:45

4bvii2. Creation of new fund for Sustainability 03:31:16

4c. Discussion regarding amended budget summary following review of Village Board requested changes 03:44:48

4d. Review Schedule for Future Meetings 03:45:42

5. Adjournment 03:48:14

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