Special Village Board 11/7/19

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11/7/2019 7:03:24 AM


1. CALL TO ORDER. 00:00:10



4. BUSINESS. 00:03:18

4.a.1. Changes since the last distribution. 00:03:28

4.a.1.2. (05:00) Review of the 2019 Municipal Levy Limit Worksheet as it relates to the proposed 2020 Budget. 4.a.1.3. (06:22) Presentation regarding the feasibility of future inclusion within the State Expenditure Restraint Program.

4.b. Proposed changes by Village Board members 00:11:56

4.b.1. General Fund (100) 00:12:10

4.b.1.i. Reduce Funding-Community Devel. Dept. 00:12:27

Reduce funding for meeting and training expenses within the Community Development Department budget.

4.b.1.ii. Increase Funding-Community Arts Program 00:18:22

Increase funding for a Community Arts Program within the Community Development Department budget.

4.b.1.iii. Reduce Funding-PW Facility Maintenance 00:21:20

Reduce funding for facility maintenance within the Public Works Department budget.

4.b.1.iv. Increase Funding-Enforcement @ Yard Site 00:23:56

Increase funding for enforcement at the yard waste site drop off within the Public Works Department budget.

4.b.1.v. Increase Funding-Enforcement @ Dog Park 00:29:42

Increase funding for enforcement at the dog park within the Parks budget.

4.a.2. Library Fund (205) 00:36:52

4.a.2.i. Increase Funding-Fine Revenue Collection 00:37:00

Increase funding for fine revenue collection within the Library budget.

4.a.2.ii. Reduce Funding-Support Services 01:06:00

Reduce funding for support services within the Library budget.

4.a.3. Capital Projects Fund (400) 01:11:12

4.a.3.i Apply 2019 Operating Surplus from PD/FD 01:11:25

Apply 2019 operating surplus from Police and Fire/Rescue Departments to fund 2020 capital equipment requests.

4.a.3.ii. Reduce Funding & Reallocate 01:19:10

Reduce funding for consultant services as it relates to aquatics and reallocate same funding for development of special needs park within the Park budget.

4.a.3.iii. Reduce Funding-Aquatics Consult Service 01:41:50

Reduce funding for consultant services as it relates to aquatics within the Parks budget.

4.a.4. Utilities Fund (600) 01:49:33

Increase funding for support services for the Water Service budget.

4.c. Amended Budget Summary 01:53:54

5. AJOURNMENT. 01:54:55

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